Wyben Union Church is an interdenominational church
with a big heart - serving the needs of Wyben and beyond.
The Parenting Assistance Line at the University of Alabama, in a web article entitled “Six Characteristics of Strong Families”, writes about the family unit. What they have to say applies so well to the life of Wyben Church: “Sharing your life within a happy, healthy family is, for many of us, one of the most important goals. It is no secret that dysfunctional relationships and a chaotic family life are major contributors to social problems, including juvenile delinquency, domestic abuse, and addiction. However, there are multitudes of successful families who thrive, contribute to their communities, and nurture future generations to do the same! Researchers have studied carefully the attributes found with successful, happy families, and believe the following six characteristics to be vital foundational principles for fostering strong family relationships: spend time together, effective communications, appreciation, commitment, good coping skills, values and convictions.” 1
Those six characteristics are the heart of our church. At Wyben Church, we:
Spend Time Together. We fellowship with each other following the morning service each Sunday over coffee and refreshments. We meet for monthly pot luck suppers and pancake breakfasts, along with a variety of other social events throughout the year. And we gather for Christian education and to make a joyful noise in song.
Effectively Communicate. Each Sunday during service, there is an opportunity for members of the congregation to share joys and concerns. In doing so, we come to know one another on a deeper level, and it helps us to know how to pray for each other.
Appreciate One Another. The church is built on a foundation of loving, caring individuals. Verbal affirmations and cards of thanks – a common occurrence in our midst – is the evidence of just how much we value each other.
Commit to One Another. We are concerned about the welfare of others and the church in general. The strength of this congregation is one that can be gleaned straight from our church covenant: “We will exercise Christian care and watchfulness over each other…” Almost without exception, it is the first thing visitors notice about us. With God as our guidance and provision, we come together to serve and carry out the responsibilities of our Christian faith – in our church, in our community, and around the globe.
Good Coping Skills. We are not a perfect family. We have differences of opinions and sometimes disagreements. However, they do not fracture our unity and harmony because we exist to serve our Lord and each other above all else.
Values and Convictions. Our values and convictions are described in the church covenant, spelled out here in part: “We will strive to know the will of God as taught in the Holy Scriptures…and to walk in the ways of the Lord.” In a world where there is much instability, relativism, uncertainty, and unreliability, we believe that God and the Bible provide a strong foundation for families.
This IS Wyben Church! We are a haven for families...a place where people – young and old, singles or married, empty-nesters, or those with children – will find love, acceptance, purpose, hope, and support in a caring community. But you will never really know us until you come and join us. We are here, and our doors and arms are open. Just as Jesus’ heart is touched by people, we would like the opportunity to have our heart touched by you so that we, in turn, may touch your life.
God intended for us to live our lives in relationship to one another.
"...and let us consider how to stir up
one another and do good works."
Hebrews 10:24
Meet the Pastor

Pastor George Karl & wife Laura
Pastor George Karl came to Wyben Union Church, first as an interim minister in 2015, and shortly thereafter filled the vacant permanent pastor positon. He graduated from Berkshire Christian College with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1976, and Columbia International University with a Masters of Divinity in 1981. He pastored at several churches in North and South Carolina, and in Melrose, MA, earlier in his ministry. He served as an interim pastor and supply preacher for churches in MA, CT, and NH over the last 20+ years. He also served as President of the New Life Conference, as a board member and current President of the Eastern Regional Association of Advent Christian Churches, as an oversight committee member for both the Westfield Advent Christian Church and the Faith Community Church, and is a board member for the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies. Pastor Karl and his lovely wife Laura have four children and eight grandchildren.
Contact Pastor Karl at: pastor@wybenunionchurch.org